Welcome to the eLearning Africa Supporting Transformation trust!
EAST is a non-profit organisation that aims to make a lasting positive impact on the education, health and entrepreneurship sector in Africa. We do so by investing in Africa's grassroots ICT changemakers and leveraging the potential that Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) can offer. The trust is currently seeking the assistance of likeminded foundations, companies and individuals to ensure that as many low-income African grassroots changemakers are offered the opportunity to participate in this year's eLearning Africa Conference. Enriched through the vast knowledge sharing and networking experience the conference offers, their participation helps them to disseminate valuable knowledge to communities throughout Africa.
Furthermore their participation ensures that they are part of the innovation process, giving practical challenges and solutions the voice these deserve.
eLearning news
Past Donors We would like to thank the following donors who have supported African participation at past eLearning Africa conferences: